DREAM SF REAL ESTATE INC. CalBRE # 10923147. info@dreamsf.com
S.F.’s Healthy Housing Program: Tax dollars put to good use

Today I was privileged to see the money I pay in property taxes actually being spent in a way I could whole heartedly endorse.
The S.F. Department of Public Health sent its very personable investigator, Ihsan Dujaili, to perform a spontaneous inspection of a four unit property I own, not because complaints had been registered, but because S.F. wants to be sure tenants are living in safe, sanitary conditions.
In addition to checking for safety hazards and sanitation, Mr. Dujaili indicated that the department was trying to eliminate the conditions leading to mosquitos breeding and with their multiplication, the spread of West Nile Virus.
I’ve been alarmed by the articles I’ve read recently about this dangerous virus. It’s terrific that the S.F. Department of Public Health has implemented such an immediate and decisive plan for containing the potential danger.